Engagement Program
This Program supports clients who are waiting for admission to our residential programs. Our Engagement staff offer support in a variety of areas, based on client needs.
The weekly Engagement Group provides clients with an opportunity to meet with one another and staff in a supportive environment. This helps to maintain motivation, resolve challenges that may arise and to stay on course prior to entering Residential Treatment or Transitional Housing.
The Engagement Program provides clients with the opportunity to meet with staff on a one-on-one basis to get help in resolving issues around basic health care, mental health, finances, and legal issues.
This program is a great way to get to know our staff and have any questions about our residential programs answered.

Due to COVID-19, our Engagement meetings will be operating at a limited capacity. Please contact us for the most up to date information.
Please call (416) 926-8267 ext. 110 if you have any questions.