Due to COVID-19, all Psychotherapy Sessions are occurring remotely. Please contact (416) 926-8267 ext. 124 for more information.
Addiction is almost always a result of underlying mental health issues. The vast majority of our clients suffer from various forms of trauma, which provoke anxiety, depression, and other conditions that evoke addictive behaviours.
Psychotherapy is the best way to help a client open their mind and explore the roots of their addictive behaviours. Therapies offered include:
CBT to help with “stuck” thoughts
DBT to help with self-regulation and interpersonal relationships
Narrative Therapy to re-frame self-perception
Hypnotherapy to reinforce motivation
Psychodynamic therapies such as EFT, IFS, and Memory Reconsolidation to tackle PTSD and other effects of trauma.
For most of our clients, psychotherapy is the key to a long-lasting recovery from the suffering that leads to addiction. Our therapists are graduate students and post-graduate volunteers working alongside our other clinical staff, under a Registered Psychotherapist with qualifications to provide clinical supervision either in-person or remotely.
To enroll in Psychotherapy, call our main number at (416) 926-8267 ext. 124.
Exciting News!
St. Michael’s Homes has recently received a $75,000 grant from Toronto Community Foundations, funded by ECSF. This will allow us to hire a Registered Psychotherapist to provide extra support throughout COVID-19.
Due to the many closures of outside services throughout the pandemic, this will allow us to ensure that both our staff and our clients receive the necessary supports.

The "Pandemic Support for Psychotherapy Program" is supported by the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund and Toronto Community Foundations.